Most cards range from VG to VG/EX, though there are outliers in either direction. #32 Norm Van Brocklin is MISCUT, #52 Pat Summerall has possible rodent damage and will not receive a number grade, #75 Hugh McElhenny is missing a corner and will not receive a number grade, 4 commons #108, #109, #115, #131 will not receive number grades. HOF Rookies include: #2 Mike McCormack VG
#14 Len Ford EX
#36 Dick Stanfel EX
#42 John Henry Johnson VG
#70 Jim Ringo GOOD
#101 Bob St Clair EX
#119 Frank Gatski POOR
Other Key HOFers:
#1 Doak Walker VG/EX
#7 Frank Gifford GOOD
#44 Joe Perry EX
#62 George Blanda FAIR
#71 Bobby Lane GOOD
#72 YA Tittle GOOD
#152 Tom Landry GOOD