The Warlord (Miniseries) #1, 6 The Legionaires, 2 Skreemer, Azrael#1 and #9, Spiral zone #2, 3 Sovereign 7, GI Combat The New 52 Issues #1 and #2, 3 Millenium, adventures in The DC Universe #1, 6 Hardware including #1, Shadow Cabinet #0, 4 Infinity Inc including Special #1, The Outsiders #17, DC/Tangent Secret Six #1, Final Crisis Requiem, Jack Kirby's Fourth World Gallery, 2 Wonder Woman (Volume 2), Wonder Woman Realworlds, Doom Force #1, Catwoman (Mniseries )#4, Detective Comics #628, Batman #685, Batman Earth One Preview, Batman: Run Riddler Run