Jonni Thunder AKA Thunderbolt #1, 2 DC 52, 2 Amazing Man including #1, DC Kids Mega Sampler #1, 3 DC Who's Who, 2 Icon, 8 Kobalt including #1, Green Lantern Sinestro Corps #1, Grren Arrow/Green Lantern #110, Parallax #1, Tales of The Green Lantern Corps 1987 annual, 2 Green Lantern, Green Lantern 2011 Comic Book Day, 3 Green Lantern (1990) including #1, Green Lantern Corps 2006 #15, 2 Underworld Unleashed including #1, Suicide Squad #1, Arion Lord of Atlantis #2, 3 Demon, Zatanna #2, Blue Beetle #20, Kid Flash #1, Birds of Prey (1997) #1, Detective Comics 628