5 R.E.B.E.L.S, 3 Xombi Including #1, 2 Invisibles, 4 Primal Fource including #1, Ms Tree Quaterly #1 and #4, Enigma #1, Young Heroes in Love #15, Deadman #2, Takion #4, Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #2, 2 The Wanderers, The New Gods #2, 3 Metal Men including #1, Stars #13, 4 Hourman, Bloodlines #2, Outsiders (1993) #1, 2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Brave and the Bald, Lobo Special #1, Lobo Convention Special, Lobo Brave and the Bold (2000) #6, Countdown Special Kamandi, Countdown Presents Lord Havok and the Extremists #2, Comics Interview #26, Suicide Squad #9, Focus #1, After Watchmen, Ion #1, Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #5, Green Lantern 1997 and 2000 Annuals, Beginning of Tomorrow Green Lantern #0 average condition is VERY FINE.