Includes the following chase cards:
Biography (7/7)
Official Monty Python's Flying Circus Be-a-World-Famous-Animator-in-the-Privacy-of-Your-Own-Home Kit (6/6)
Previews (2/4)
Scratch and Listen Fake (seriously, that's the official name for it on the checklist. There is a "genuine" also which is a foil card. We don't have that one. Just the one that's called "fake" but is totally authentic. Honest. If you find this confusing, you'll be really lost in a minute when we explain the base set numbering)
Trivia 10/10
Condition is NM/MT. Some notes about the numbering of the base set:
While you might expect that #5 would be right out, there are in fact three different #5's, three being the amount of #5's, and the counting of the #5's being three.
THERE IS NO card six, as card 7 will inform you.
For reasons we cannot explain, the official checklist does not have a #27. We're sure it must be related to a joke, but we haven't seen every episode.
There are two different #43's because life is just a delightful mystery.